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9 Highly Effective Spa Marketing & Salon Marketing Tips

by John Uhrig

“9 Highly Effective Spa Marketing and Salon Marketing Tips!”

Spa and Salon Marketing & Advertising Strategies

Here are 9 low-cost but highly effective spa and salon marketing tips to help you boost your sales and profits fast.

Tip 1: Look for some low-cost ways you can strengthen the perceived value of your spa products or treatments. You can easily do this by adding in other treatments and products by packaging your offers. Then test raising your price. Don’t be surprised if both your sales and your profit margin go up!

Tip 2: Try to limit your customer’s decision making to either “Yes. I’ll buy.” or “No. I won’t buy.” Don’t risk losing them by including “which one” decisions. The more options you offer the client, the more likely some customers will procrastinate and never make the decision… causing you to lose a sale needlessly.

Tip 3: You can demonstrate a low cost for your salon products or hair services by breaking down the price to its lowest time increment. For example, “Enjoy all of this for less than 90 cents a day” (for something priced at $325 a year like your salon membership program).

Tip 4: Add an unanticipated bonus to every sales transaction just before completing the sale. It prevents customers from developing any last minute hesitation… and changing their minds about buying.

Tip 5: Print your best small ad on a postcard and mail it to prospects in your local targeted area. Postcards are dog cheap and easy to use. Most recipients who ignore other types of advertising will read a brief ad when it’s delivered to them via a postcard.

Tip 6: Prospects who ask questions are typically close to buying. Take advantage of this. Don’t just answer their question. Include a reason for them to buy your spa treatments as part of your answer. Then ask for the sale… or tell them exactly what to do to place their order. i.e. “We accept Visa, MasterCard, Amex or cash, which would you prefer?”

Tip 7: Collect testimonials from your clients and use them in all your spa marketing efforts. Testimonials provide grounds that your spa products or treatments deliver the results you promise. For maximum impact, use only testimonials that describe specific results the customer enjoyed.

Tip 8: Include “benefit rich” headlines on all your salon marketing material including your website! Many visitors arrive at a web page then immediately click away… unless something instantly catches their attention and keeps them from leaving. A headline accomplishes this!

Tip 9: Continually test and evaluate everything you use or do to promote your spa business and salon. Allocate 80 percent of your spa marketing budget to proven promotions. Use the other 20 percent for testing new variations. Most salon businesses using this system continue growing – even in highly competitive markets.

Bonus Tip: Handle client complaints quickly and with a positive attitude. Strive to preserve your relationship with them instead of your immediate profit from the transaction. They will reward you with repeat sales and referrals… instead of punishing you by telling everybody they know about their unhappy experience using your day spa or salon and causing you to lose future clients.

Each of these spa marketing and salon marketing tips provides a simple, low-cost way for you to boost your sales and profits quickly. All you have to do is take ACTION!

Dedicated To Multiplying Your Revenues…

About the Author

Since 1994, John Uhrig has successfully used the Internet to effectively convey and market information. Recently, John decided to create a beauty salon, day spa & salon marketing system where he shares his experience and information for proper marketing. This System can be found at: http://www.spamarketing.ca