Tag Archives: construction

Builders & Contractors: Marketing 101

by george michaels

Builders and Contractors are you doing anything different in these hard times to increase your business? Or are you doing the same ole same ole? There is an old saying that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result?

Is that you?

What I’m trying to say is the old ways no longer work. In by gone days all a contractor had to do was give the customer good quality and good service and he/she would be set. Then set back and let your customers do your selling for you. They would tell a friend and then that friend would tell a friend. Your phone would be ringing off the hook. I remember as an Architectural designer some days I would have up to four people wanting to schedule appointments for designs. That was the good ole days. But now!

There are problems. Most of us in the construction industry we’re not prepared for what happened. We never marketed ourselves,
never had to. So what do we do. Answer: start by doing the basics. Below are a few simple but powerful must does marketing.

*You must Brand your name. That means you have to become known in your town. Think of insurance company’s. There might be
50 insurance company’s in your area but there is always a few that are known by name. Example: “All Davis, State farm” see what I
mean, make your name synonymous with building.

*Become easier to find. “The phone never rings”,boo hoo hoo. Well why would it? Customers don’t mysteriously know who you are
or what you do. If they are looking for your service they will use the internet to find you. You have to have a Website.

*Easy payments. This day and time credit still is king! You have to have the ability to get customers financed or at the very least take credit cards. It is just the way the world does business.

The above are just a few of the things you have to be doing to survive in the building industry. As you can see they are not hard but you do have to take action.

If you would like more tip’s and help you can follow my news letter the Construction Times

About the Author

George Michaels has spent his entire life in the construction industry. He currently is editor of the the Construction Times a weekly ezine dedicated to the help and support to the Building Contractor