Tag Archives: Article

Accelerate Your Business All the Way to the Top with Article Marketing

by Vickie Jimenez

Article marketing has grown to be so essential to the online and offline business that it is a necessity to put into practice. The solution to becoming successful at article marketing is to be steadfast at it. Generating articles becomes a part of your daily schedule. If you do not have the time to do this you can contract out this service at an inexpensive amount monthly. This is such a powerful tool that you do not want to let lack of time or “writer’s block” to hold you back from cashing in on it.

If you want to strengthen your online presence you can magnetize more sales and more customers using article marketing. You already know, if you have done any kind of online investigation as to how to accomplish that presence, that article marketing is one of the strongest forms of online marketing that exists. The thing that is accountable for generating millions of dollars in sales and bringing millions of new subscribers to an immense amount of companies publicizing their products and services, is article marketing.

When it comes to online marketing, articles are a remarkably dominant tool. This is especially true if you are a novice to online marketing or internet business in general. Writing and submitting articles is an inexpensive, fast way to get extremely targeted visitors to your website.

Following are 3 guidelines to making use of article marketing as free promotion for your business.

1) Practice reading others” article writing style and note how they deliver tips, value and secrets inside their article body. Watch their writing style and see if you can learn something new to make your article more exciting.

2) There are article writing services that produce 400 new articles a month and will do this for you at a reasonable monthly rate; if you have “writer’s block,” do not have the time to write or do not write well, you can outsource your article marketing campaign to them.

3) Making article marketing a daily habit is the answer to effectively using it. In order to be reliable for blog sites to make the most of, you must create an article campaign in your niche and continue to get articles out in a steadfast manner. They will develop into subscribers to your articles and your online presence will grow much faster when you do this.

There are several uses and rewards to article marketing and once you take full advantage of them your business will reap the rewards. Being a strong writer is no longer a prerequisite because you can outsource that. Being aware of the worth of article marketing is more significant. Your company and its product or services essentially get free publicity and exposure with article marketing. Adding article marketing to your company’s marketing plan is imperative. It will help you get your message out to the masses and will help you expand your trademark.

If your business wants to use a low cost, result producing form of marketing then it is crucial that you include article marketing to your marketing arsenal. Your business will then be powered to the next level with your consistent success.

To learn more marketing tips about how to accelerate the growth of your business and generate incredible profits, please visit http://www.internet-cash-systems-review.com/articleunderground.html

Article Source: ArticleSnatch Free Article Directory

Create Your Three Letter Autoresponder Follow-Up

1255320846-iStock_000003370513XSmallA woman told me this week, “Your advertising is wasted if you don?t follow-up on your leads.” Her solution is to use a multiple autoresponder that sends her prospects a new sales message very few days.

People need to see your ad message several times before they buy. Those who buy on the first ad have already made up their mind after seeing someone else?s ad. Yours had the good fortune of reaching the customer at just the right time.

You can greatly increase sales with a three letter multiple autoresponder. There are a number of places to get these autoresponders free (fastfacts.net, getresponse.com, smartbotpro.net) and others who sell up-graded service at low cost.

Make your first letter briefly present your offer. It should be designed to get attention and bring in those who tend to quickly make up their minds to buy.

Your second sales letter should arrive the next day. Make it longer and filled with details. About 70 percent of consumers are folks who need ALL the details before they will purchase. List your features and connect them with the benefit your customer will get from those features.

Your third sales letter should be scheduled to arrive several days later. Start with “Successful people are busy. I know you probably saw my earlier messages, considered them, but haven?t yet had time to respond.”

Then give them another rundown on your offer. Bring in a fresh angle so it doesn?t seem like they are reading the same letter they saw a few days ago.

More than three sales letters tend to get ignored. If you want to send more, have your fourth and fifth letters arrive weeks or months later. Scheduling a new letter to arrive every month can catch a prospect when they?re ready to buy.

Offer Your Own Email Course

One of the most successful marketing techniques I?ve found is offering your own course via autoresponders. I introduced my Make Your Website Sell course (yes, before MYSS came out) and it is still getting gobs of sign-ups every day.

Here is how to create yours:

1. Pick a problem that lots of your customers struggle with. In my business the big stumpers are getting a site that sells, finding a way to handle email, figuring out search engines, and finding low-cost ways to advertise effectively.

A course on any of these is guaranteed to bring lots of interested prospects and customers (and you can bet I?m plugging my ads here and there during the course).

Your course could be on how to complete a basement, how to avoid an IRS audit, how to give your kids straight teeth, or anything else that customers often ask about.

2. If you don?t write or have time to pen your own articles, look for others who have written on the topic. It is perfectly legal to put their ideas in your own words (always proper to give them credit).

You can also quote the article. It is best to ask in advance, if your course is for commercial purposes. Start your article, then say expert Jane Doe has some valuable information. Include a few paragraphs of what Jane wrote. Be careful not to use so much you give away her entire article and spoil her ability to sell the information.

Kevin Nunley provides marketing advice and copy writing for businesses and organizations. Read all his money-saving marketing tips at http://DrNunley.com/. Reach him from his site via email.

5 Small Business Internet Advertising Strategies That Work

Photo by tread
By: James Belt

Getting your small, local business found on the world wide web can be a challenge, and most small business owners jut don’t have the time to research what works, or the money to pay someone else to figure it out for them.

To get you started, here are five techniques you can use today to start seeing results tomorrow.

Blogging. Simply buy a domain name, secure a hosting service, and install WordPress. For less than $20 and an hour of your time, you can get a blog up and running.

Why blogging works: Google (and other search engines) loves fresh content. If you’re choice is between a static catalog type page and a blog, go with a blog every time. The more you update, the more Google will crawl your site, and the more Google crawls your site, the easier it will be for potential customers to find your site and your business.

Pay Per Click advertising. If you want to guarantee search engine placement, pay per click is the way to go. Those results that show at the very top of the search results page in Google? Those are paid for by businesses just like yours who don’t want to wait for their rankings to rise naturally. By bidding on certain keywords, they essentially are buying placement in the search results.

Why pay per click works: The average Internet user doesn’t distinguish between paid results and natural results. If the link matches her inquiry, she will follow it, regardless of how it got there.

Forum posting. Forum posting is about helping your potential customers with their problems. Simply join the conversation on relevant forums and provide thoughtful advice, and you’ll find clients following you back to your site to see what else you have to say about the subject.

Why forum posting works: People like to do business with people, not corporations. By offering advice on forums, you are reminding customers that there is a real person behind your small business.

Article marketing. Article marketing is the placement of useful, relevant articles in article directories across the web. It’s another way of getting your business in front of potential customers, again by offering advice they are looking for.

Why article marketing works: The purpose of article marketing is twofold. First, article directories likely rank higher in search results than your company’s site, making it easier to get your name in front of potential customers. Second, article marketing produces valuable back links to your company’s site, which improves your own search engine ranking.

Banner advertisements. Banner advertisements are those graphic ads you see all over the web. They can be nearly any size, but most typical are 125 x 125 pixels, 468 x 60 pixels, or 160 x 600 pixels. Typically, merchants pay advertising networks to place banner ads on websites, rather than dealing directly with site owners.

Why banner advertising works: People rarely click banner ads, and when they do, they generally don’t buy. So why bother? Brand recognition. If you own a florist shop on a street full of florists, how do you get people to stop in your shop instead of your neighbor’s? By getting your brand in front of them. They might not click on your ad on the Internet, but they will recognize your shop if they’ve seen it on line, and they will choose the shop they recognize over the one they don’t every time.

Author Resource:-> Getting noticed on line doesn’t have to be expensive or time consuming. At http://InAreaCode.com, we take care of all the details of Small Business Internet Advertising so you can get on with the business of running your business.

Article From ActiveAuthors.com